Sunday, February 5, 2012

Objectives and Strategy

Telenor Pakistan is committed to being both an industry leader in the management and implementation of Corporate Responsibility and to make this an integral part of our business development.

The three primary objectives for Telenor Pakistan's emphasis on Corporate Responsibility are:
Telenor Pakistan's customers shall be confident that the company runs its operations in an ethically responsible manner.
Telenor Pakistan's employees shall be proud of the way in which the company handles its social responsibility.
Telenor Pakistan's other stakeholders, expecting high standards of social commitment, shall have high regard for the company.
Telenor Pakistan is committed to Corporate Responsibility in all its activities by making it an integral part of the corporate culture.

Our role in society is clear: We are here to help people communicate. That goes for all the countries in which we operate.

Respond to challenges
Our aim is to understand and respond to the challenges that society is faced with, using our technology and competence to find innovative solutions. We believe we have important contributions to make on key issues, such as alleviating poverty, combating climate change and encouraging safe use of Information Communication Technology (ICT).

Build trusting relationships
At Telenor Pakistan we believe in building trusting relationships with our stakeholders and demonstrate a readiness to help find solutions to the challenges they are facing. We want our customers to be confident that the Telenor Pakistan runs its operations in a responsible manner. We want investors expecting high standards of social and environmental commitment to prefer Telenor. We work towards making Telenor's employees proud of the way we do our business.

Our efforts are based on Telenor's values; "Make it easy, Keep promises, Be inspiring and Be respectful".

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